Medicare Basics
We understand the importance of knowing what your coverage options are before you enroll in any insurance plan. That’s why we are here to explain the basics of Medicare so you have the answers you need and can be enrolled as soon as you become eligible! To get started, let’s first discuss what Medicare is.
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What is Medicare?
Medicare is a federal health insurance program that is available to:
The Medicare program consists of four parts, all listed out here below:
Part A

Medicare Part A is hospital insurance that covers inpatient treatment in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. It also covers hospice care and home health care, and may provide coverage for long-term care for a limited number of days.

Part B

Medicare Part B is medical insurance and covers costs for medically necessary services and preventive health services. This includes coverage for clinical research, ambulance services, durable medical equipment, and some mental health services. Part A and Part B together is known as Original Medicare.

Part C

Medicare Advantage is a medicare-approved plan from a private insurance company that offers an alternative to original medicare for your health and prescription coverage. These all-in-one plans include part a, part b, part c, and part d. In almost all cases, except emergency situations, with medicare advantage coverage you’ll need to use the doctors who are in the plan’s network.

Some medicare advantage plans have lower out-of-pocket costs than original medicare.

Some plans may offer some extra benefits that original Medicare does not cover. Example vision, hearing, and dental insurance coverage.

Part D

Part D of Medicare provides coverage for prescription drugs that have been prescribed by a medical professional. To learn which drugs are covered by each plan, reach out to us today.

When Should I Enroll in Medicare?

If you qualify for Medicare by age, then you will first become eligible to enroll during the first three months before you turn 65. This starts your Initial Enrollment Period, which will then last until three months after your 65th birthday month.

While many individuals will be automatically enrolled during this period, not everyone will. If you are not automatically enrolled, you will want to manually enroll as soon as possible so you can begin receiving Medicare benefits and avoid paying late enrollment penalties!

If you want to learn more about what makes you eligible for automatic enrollment or how you can enroll in general, our team is here to help. Reach out to our Medicare Insurance experts today to book a free consultation and get the answers you need!

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